Did you know that one of the significant elements of the Mona Lisa is the landscape background? I didn't until after I visited the Louvre. I saw her famous smile but I hardly noticed the background.
I wonder sometimes if we notice the big picture of what God is doing with Moms in Touch. Each prayer group is like the smile of Mona Lisa but there is a background that is of far greater significance.
The vision of Moms in Touch is that every school in the world will be covered with prayer.
Picture it. Your child travels to Europe with a group of college friends. How many on the plane are the same age? Did they have moms praying for them?
Or maybe your family has to transfer to a new city during your daughter's junior year of high school. What will she face at this school? Was anyone praying for that school?
It's easy to see the temporary struggles our children encounter from day to day. I challenge myself and you to look closer. If you don't already, please include the vision of Moms in Touch in your weekly prayer time. Let's watch and see every school (including home schools) in the world be covered with prayer.
Last year, MITI groups in the Olentangy school district each adopted an uncovered "sister" school within the district. How exciting it is to see a new group start up when you've been praying for that to happen!
A Worthington group is praying for an inner city (Columbus) school as their adopted school.
What school will you adopt until you see God bring forth moms to cover it in prayer?
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